Created by JC On 23-10-07 >>> Edit entry >>> Permalink
Another new science demo: Also, check out the wordPress movement going on...
Created by JC On 20-10-07 >>> Edit entry >>> Permalink is amazing. It actually make Pandora and look a bit old...
Hmmm... Looks like I can't add m4v files created by EyeTV before January 2007 to iTunes.I wonder why!
Created by JC On 15-10-07 >>> Edit entry >>> Permalink
This is steadily becoming a stream of Youtube videos but... Another Dr Campbell's Science Demo. This time, I'm chilling beer using ice, salt and water.
Created by JC On 24-9-07 >>> Edit entry >>> Permalink
A one minute video showing how we make beer can chicken.
Created by JC On 8-9-07 >>> Edit entry >>> Permalink
Picture the most ridiculously big sax you can imagine, then double it:
Created by JC On 6-9-07 >>> Edit entry >>> Permalink
Ho ho... Nice!View Larger MapNow you can embed Google maps into a webpage using the 'link to this page' hyperlink.
Created by JC On 22-8-07 >>> Edit entry >>> Permalink
Bollywood or not, this was surely an unfortunate title for a film.
Created by JC On 7-8-07 >>> Edit entry >>> Permalink
An interesting paper on predicting penile length from shoe size:Apparently, it cannot.
Created by JC On 29-7-07 >>> Edit entry >>> Permalink
I wonder where nudists keep their money?
Created by JC On 4-7-07 >>> Edit entry >>> Permalink
Wow, imagine having a name like Dick Swaab!